Mark Hurst - CEO and Fouder Creative Good
When: Thurday, May 4 2017 12:00PM
Where: New York Academy Of Medicine Room 558 New York, NY
A great deal has been written and said about why is it so important for companies to give users what they want. While putting the user first is common sense, unfortunately, it is not common practice. Drawing on case studies in his book “Customers Included,” Mark Hurst will describe how “listening to customers” is often misunderstood, if not ignored outright, leading to great opportunities for teams that want to build innovative products with their customers at the heart of their value proposition.
Mark Hurst is the founder and CEO of Creative Good, a New York-based customer experience consultancy he founded in 1997. Hurst’s most recent book, “Customers Included” (2nd Edition), describes how teams and organizations can create successful products and strategies by putting customers first. Hurst is also the founder and host of the Gel conference, which featured the first stage presentations of Khan Academy, Wikipedia, and other world-changing projects. Hurst holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in computer science from MIT and lives in New York City.